Course Curriculum Preview
Why Two Heddles?
Make a Sampler Scarf
Getting Started
Weaving Plan
Indirect vs. Direct Warping
Winding a Warp Chain
Threading Two Heddles
Threading Heddle I
Threading Heddle II
Tying onto the Back
Beaming the Warp
Tying onto the Front
Manipulating Two Heddles
Spreading the Warp
Easy Fixes
Plain Weave
3/1 Modified Basket Weave (with Heddle 1)
3/1 Modified Basket Weave (with Heddle 2)
Warp and Weft Texture

About this course
- $39.00
- 37 lessons
- 1.5 hours of video content
What You'll Make
Sampler Scarf

I'm about halfway through weaving the scarf. Excellent course. The content is broken up into short segments, very effective. I can keep my tablet next to my loom and review any segment as needed. I also picked up a few basic weaving tips to improve my overall weaving. Nice to see Jane Patrick bring part of her book to life.
Thanks a lot for this excellent class, it was so much fun and I really understood weaving with two heddles now. Looking forward to the next class coming up soon!
This class was very accessible and I learned a lot of basics that I missed as a largely self-taught weaver. It's helping me visualize the relationship between the warp threads and the heddles' placement.
Materials & Equipment
Prepare for the class by gathering your materials.
Our Sampler Scarf Yarn Kit (or similar yarn to Brown Sheep Nature Spun Sport (1.5 oz/184 yards) Warp: Bougainvillea, Orange You Glad, Deep Sea, and Amethyst, 54 yards of each color. Weft: Blue Marina, 180 yards; accent stripes from warp colors, about 10 yards of each color)
Flip rigid heddle loom with two 5-dent heddles—Jane weaves an 8" wide project on a 15" Flip
heddle hook (included with loom)
4-1/2 yard warping board
tapestry needle
two 12" stick shuttles—if your Flip came with longer shuttles, get this size (just slightly wider than the project)
two 20" Schacht Beefy pick-up sticks
heddle rod: Jane uses the third apron bar that's included with the Flip; you can substitute a 3/16" dowel, at least 10" long
heddles: use our 8-5/8" Texsolv heddles or make your own string heddles
Flip the Folding Loom
The rigid heddle loom we're using for this course.
